Alison B.

15 août 20209 Min


The Glass Ceiling, The Metaphysical Loop.

Many events have turned our lives upside down in the last 10 or 15 years, calling into question our lifestyles, our relationships, our reality.

More and more of us have decided to take a step forward on this planet, to change our reality, to let go of the past...

And so we started to search, create, and find many "techniques", Reiki and energy treatments of all kinds, Oracles, Tarot, Astral Reading, Karmic Cleansing, Akashic Anal Cleansing, Angel Care and Therapy, Lithotherapy ... And so many others ...

On my own journey, I have used many of these tools, and they have all been of great help at one time or another, they have allowed me to move forward, they have allowed me to believe, to experiment, and to see that beyond the illusion of matter, there is an informational field, a vibratory field, which resonates and responds constantly to our vibration ...

For a few years now we have been hearing about ascending to the 5th dimension of the planet as an ultimate goal to be achieved. The 5th dimension is none other than a state of consciousness, the metaphysical state of consciousness of the action of the mind on matter ... I already see some of you making leaps, and if this is the case, I invite you to take in this article what speaks to you and to leave the rest, it is the result of my personal reflections and understanding at a T moment.


The 5th Dimension: The Action of Mind over Matter

What we call Ascension is a natural movement of life...

A return to us, a return to our essence...


Who are we? Where do we come from? Why are we here?

These questions are the basis of all spirituality known on the planet...


There is a moment on our spiritual journey, on our path of awakening ... Or we realize that we are not our body ... We begin to realize that one day we will leave this body, but that something will always be there ... This is the strange feeling we can have, when we look at who we were as a child, who we were as teenagers, who we were at 25, at 30... If we look at pictures of us, they seem that physically these people are already gone, our bodies are changing and thousands of cells are dying every second, just like a part of who we are, or who we think we are... And yet? Do you feel so different from the person you were as a child? A first veil is lifted... And we discover that we are not our bodies... that we are more than that...

One day we discover that we can observe the one who thinks... We begin to call him Ego, Mind, as a first dissociation, a first veil that rises... Between us and who we are...

What if I'm not the one thinking? Who am I?


If this concept is still foreign to you, I recommend you to watch this documentary on SAMADHI ... it is certainly one of the most complete and without any doubt have the ability to come and touch some truths hidden in us ...






For some time now, I have been observing a mechanism present in me, and present in each person I have had the chance to meet these last years ... In front of this will, this desire that we all have, to come back to the center, to come back to the heart ...

It seems we've fallen into a new loop, what I call the glass ceiling of 5D.

This glass ceiling takes two forms for me, the first is the constant therapeutic loop and the second is the search for action, for doing, the use of the creative mind in the service of the "ego"?


The therapeutic loop

It is now about ten years since I started my own journey, and I have participated in many spiritual retreats, many workshops, conferences, energetic care of all kinds, I have trained in many fields. Until I fell in love with ancestral medicines such as Ayahuasca, Bufo Alvarius, kambo etc..

But in the last few months, observing my own process and the one of the people I am lucky enough to accompany, I began to ask myself? "But will it never end? "I started not believing in what I was doing anymore, wondering what was the purpose of all this research, of all these processes if constantly there were new patterns, new dramas, new memories coming up...

Recently I realized that my mind had diverted its attention, before focused on matter, on 3D, on the body, it was now constantly in action in the "5D" ... paying full attention to my emotions, my sensations, my energy body, my emotional body, or my "pain body" if I use the vocabulary used by Eckhart Tollé. On the diagram above (in the French version of this article), you will notice that it is inscribed "corps de doux-leurres" - "sweet lures", using the alchemical language of birds, we can observe that the word itself means illusion ... The illusion of pain ...

How much time and energy will we give to this emotional body, before we realize that it's just another layer ... a new veil that we will have to lift ...

The use of the creative mind in the service of the ego.

I have been practicing different types of energy therapy for several years, initially trained in Reiki, I gradually abandoned this practice, discovering that I could "play" with energy, play with the informational field, until I found myself giving energetic treatments that looked more and more like micro sessions of ayahuasca, where I could observe my patient enter into a process and crisis of deep energetic liberation. It's therefore far from me to completely reject these techniques, because they exist and have real benefits ...

What has been bothering me for a while is rather the power and the limitation of this type of therapy ... But not only energy therapy, but all methods to work on the energetic, astral body ... My question is more and more focused on the direction we could give to these therapies ... if they served the potential ...

Caught in the new-age magma of personal development, between the readings of Tarot, Oracles, cosmic energies, astrology and many others ... we entered a new infernal spiral, in which I spent many years navigating, from therapy to therapy, from method to method ... With this constant impression that there would always be something to cleanse always something to fix ...

And actually it never stopped...

Session after session, new information, new wounds, new processes ... And I came to the conclusion that we become addicted to these processes, addicted to our suffering seeking the pendulum swing from one extreme to the other, plunging into the meanders of our dark nights, seeking to go deeper and deeper into our shadows, to experience once again the ecstasy and liberation of the return to light ...

The mind is a powerful creator... In his work Dr. Joe Dispensza talks about stress hormones and their highly addictive characteristics. I have come to the conclusion that we are also addicted to all emotional hormones, whether they are perceived as positive or negative emotions. Somewhere within us it is possible to honestly recognize the addiction to this emotional Roller Coaster.

The mind being creative, we very quickly become addicted to anything that can come to fill our need for sensation, but in addition, unconsciously we lock ourselves into a new cycle.

For a long time I asked myself the question ... what are we afraid of? Why this fear of immobility, this fear of calm, why this search for intensity ... and the answer that constantly comes back to me : We are afraid of death ...

5D or the metaphysical dimension

Passionate and amused the mind plays with matter. The 5th dimension is none other than the action of the mind on matter, the way in which the mind influences the energy of matter, just as we can influence the energy field of a body during an energy treatment, we influence matter and create our reality, create new processes, we create synchronicities, we create events, which attract our attention...


Action of the mind on Matter

No wonder that everything we believe in becomes real and that it is possible to invent, to create so many tools, which are so many powerful psychomagical acts in order to achieve the goals we set them for, the only problem is that most of the time, we unconsciously give our power to these tools.

My conclusion and my own experimentation of what I visualize as 5D, led me to see it as a new distracting loop for the mind... which loses its real objective of returning to the heart, back to its origin, in an informational magma in which we are entertained...

Beware, the experimentation of 5D, of our capacity of creation and action on matter is according to me one of the magical steps of our spiritual awakening path, and mastering this tool in consciousness will also have its interest for the continuation of our experimentation but from a completely new angle.

What happens when we return to the center?

In the Zen tradition, they tell a story...

One day the source says...

I'm... I'm...

Then she added

I am Love...

How do I know I'm love? How do I experience love?

By experiencing what isn't...

From the highest plane of consciousness, the soul, I am, became aware that it was love, then she created a mind to visualize, to see, to create ... And a body to feel and experience ...

Like the flower of life and the eye of horus, each movement of observation, of consciousness creates a new dimension ... opens a new portal ... A new perception ...

It's complicated to understand what cannot be understood... and the soul cannot be understood...

This graph is perhaps the only representation of the soul that it is possible to give, and it cannot be completely understood if not felt ...

The mind thinks and tries to analyze, and if one tries to do the opposite, it still comes from the mind .

The invitation of this article, is to break the glass ceiling ... to go beyond our emotional body ... To a higher dimension ...

Something amazing has happened in me in the last few weeks, which will have been partly at the origin of writing this article ... For several days I felt emotional tides, usually I used to listen to these emotions, to feel them, to look for the reasons why, trying to understand and find a solution... And lately and especially these last few days... I've let myself get a kind of weariness... Deciding not to look anymore for why or how... Deciding not to feed my mind with reason, with explanation... Just exhausted from this constant mentalization. .. I ended up just letting the energy of those emotions just flow through me... In complete acceptance...

It's from this space, between duality and emotion, that I could observe a third space opening in me ... a space of presence ... an indescribable space ... a space from which no will emanates ... A space of pure inspiration ...


The soul knows...

The mind seeks to understand...


Beyond the mind, we can simply allow the universe, the soul to act ... As long as we leave space ...

I remain deeply convinced that many of the tools I have experienced in 5D will become the necessary tools for the work of this new presence ... And I remain deeply in love and grateful for the chance to have access to ancestral medicines that have and continue to be incredible tools in my process beyond the mind ...

The invitation here ... is to get back to the heart ... to stop trying to clean up what will never be clean, to stop treating yourself like a sick person who needs to be treated ...

I believe that the greatest Buddhist traditions, Zen and others, have been teaching this for millennia ... and I am beginning to be intimately convinced that beyond all the mental and metaphysical tools of healing we have created ... mediation and the return to a state of calm, serenity, mindfulness and presence is, in itself, the goal and the path that allows us to live our lives from a space of trust, love and wholeness.

Going beyond the energetic and emotional body, to let the presence infuse in us ...


TIPS for a Simplified Spiritual Path to AWARENESS


Full Awareness

Mindfulness is the state of ACCEPTANCE and PRESENCE. This state is generally disturbed by our feelings, emotions, which are the product of interactions between the mind and the physical body.


Remember what "You" is.

If there's a me, who can see thoughts? Who "I" is?


When I feel an emotion:

Am I triggered?

No, my mind is triggered?

***No, THE mind is triggered***


It is a process of disidentification that allows us to become aware of what we feel, while at the same time taking distance.

Don't judge the pattern, the emotional pattern, especially when you can label it or name it... We can't do anything with the patterns we have just become aware of, except to observe them without giving them more energy, without feeding them...

A pattern, a model, a system, is fed by our energy, whether positive or negative it will make the balance ...

A pattern, is a pattern it's not mine...


When a pattern is conscious, there is no need to activate it, to reject it, to chase it away, you know why it is there, and you can do nothing but accept it ... Accept the emotion it arouses ... and let the pendulum swing away ...

An unconscious pattern is a pattern that you do not know, an emotion is aroused, and you react without knowing why, sometimes it can be useful to look for the "why", but in most cases, observing the emotion and letting it go through is enough to release the energy and move on ...

By leaving the therapeutic loop, by coming back to us, to the presence ... we open new doors, new possibilities ...

Beyond our limitations, towards our full potential...


In lak’esh

(Mayan greeting: I'm another you)

Alison - Yellow Magnetic Warrior
