Alison B.

2 nov. 202323 Min

Enchanted wave of the white magician from 03 to 15th November 2023

Kin 14 - What is my goal? I create my connected reality in the present moment

Kin 15 - What are the obstacles? I observe places where my vision is disturbed by my limiting beliefs.

Kin 16 - Which energies should be activated? I dare to ask myself the right questions in order to move forward with rectitude and courage.

Kin 17 - What form will my action take? I connect to the streams of synchronicity (holy chronos)

Kin 18 - How to decide what is best for myself? I observe what is placed in the mirror of my reality

Kin 19- How can I organize myself for equity? I access transformation by considering chaos as an opportunity for transformation.

Kin 20 - How can I adapt and resonate? I connect to everything that fills me with love, joy, light.

Kin 21 - How can I live my truth? I observe what nourishes my reality, my creation.

Kin 22 - How do I realize my vision? I communicate to dispel the clouds, and create my reality from the sacred verb.

Kin 23 - How can I improve everything I do? I go beyond the limits of my creation by connecting to the infinite space of the dream ...

Kin 24 - How to free and let go ? With patience and confidence I step out of my comfort zone to let my reality blossom.

Kin 25 - How can I dedicate myself to all that lives? I listen to my body, to my intuitions that guide me to create what is most right for me and for the other me.

Kin 26 - How to be present to all that is? I let go and let the old one die. Detached from the will and the illusions of the ego.

Pulsars 1D Life

Pour créer ma réalité, et laisser la vie se déployer, j'apprendrais à prendre de la hauteur, au-delà observant les tempêtes depuis un point plus élevé, je retrouve mon équilibre et découvre qu'elles contiennent l'opportunité de transformation, qui me permet de manifester mes rêves au-delà de toutes limitations.

Pulsars 2D The Senses - The Essence

To create and vibrate my reality I connect to my senses, to my essence, by asking myself the right questions I observe what gives me joy, love and deploy my energy to resonate with what is, and deploy the energy of the creative cosmic seed essence of who I really am.

Pulsars 3D The Mind

In order to create my reality, I observe the space of the mind, I observe what currently composes my reality, my earth, I observe the thread of synchronicities that give form to my action, do I live my truth? What nourishes me? Am I at the service of my mind? Or is my mind at my service? I connect to my body, to my instincts, to the flow of energy that flows through me ...

Pulsar 4D: Space Time

To reach my goal and become again the creative magician of my reality, I rely on what is placed in the mirror of my reality, I find solutions by communicating to dispel all misunderstandings, I realize that my words are creative and finally I release I let go and let the old one die, I let go of my need for control, and I leave room for the manifestation of my highest reality.

Become the magician creator of your reality

the magnetic white magician, invites us to refocus ourselves in the present to manifest magic, attracting to us the realization of our ideas, our wills, our thoughts, connecting us to the heart, we have entered a magical cycle that brings the progress of individual consciousness, which impacts the growth of collective consciousness. The invitation is to connect to the confidence in ourselves, sometimes we can still forget who we are and why we are here, sometimes events can still seem insurmountable, or we can still have difficulties to get out of our comfort zone, this is the karma of the magician, or we have to remember that we are creators of our reality, we manifest our desires as well as our doubts, in the mirror of our reality, we have the responsibility to co-create this reality, if we break the loop of doubts, connecting us to the wisdom of the seed that does not wonder what it will become, it is, driven by the mysterious energy of the universe, connected through our seven chakras we deploy our creative force, we act to deploy the magic to create around us a new reality.

The magician invites us to heal our limitations, our limiting thoughts, by manifesting in our reality everything we think about, so that in the mirror we can observe it and responsibly transform our reality. What are the thoughts that create the situations that unfold before me? And how do I deal with them, how do I change my way of thinking? What do I really want to create?

The white magician accompanies the being to align himself in the present moment and to regain confidence in our power of creation, to become aware that we are the cause of all that we experience, without blaming ourselves, with compassion, we are not the effect, we are not the victim of what manifests itself, we are the responsible ones, the co-creators.


KIN 14 - 03/11

White Magnetic Wizard

Tone 1: Initiation: What is my goal? How do I nourish my being?

I become aware of my responsibility of creation, I observe what is in the present, to dissolve limitations and create my reality.

Tone 1, Magnetic, is the tone of the vibration of the creative heart, it is the energy that informs the quantum field, it is the starting point, the return to unity, it is the perfect moment to place your intentions. The magnetic tonality brings us curiosity, the ability to gather and condense energy through magnetization, to make a new start, to make choices and take new initiatives. It can also spread dispersion and impatience in its shadow, raise fear of moving forward, reflect places where we lack will and determination.

I take responsibility for the way I create my reality.

The white magician is the archetype of the shaman, of the creator, of the conscience, calling us to the discovery of the self, of the soul to recover confidence, and explore the sacred dimension of our being.

Which magician am I? What do I manifest in my reality? Am I a white magician? Or Black Magician? I observe the situations that I manifest to me, do I manifest my dream? Or my fears?

I take responsibility for my power, I take responsibility for my illusion ...

Connected to the present moment, I observe what I manifest around me, am I supporting the programs of the mind an? Am I creating my highest reality? Or am I conforming to the encoding of the old matrix?

I create my reality from my beliefs, some beliefs come from my family, and some come from the social system I live in... It can be beliefs like "you're not smart enough to do this" or "you need a degree to succeed" or "to earn a living you have to work hard". All of these phrases make up the code of our limiting beliefs, if we can observe them, and realize that we create our reality from them, then we will be able to transmute our codes.

KIN 15 - 04/11

Lunar Blue Eagle

Tone 2: What will be the challenge?

To become aware of my creative responsibility, to observe what is in the present, to dissolve limitations and create my reality.

In Tonality 2, Lunar, we experience duality, the challenge of matter, the polarization that reveals our inner conflicts, the places that need to be balanced. We will be led to face the extremes, and to consider the challenge as a new adventure. Be careful not to fight or refuse the obstacles of duality, it will be necessary to observe our shadows and to learn how to position ourselves in the balance...

The blue eagle challenges us to take a higher perspective, to observe situations where our point of view is fixed, limited by our beliefs or by the events that manifest themselves, how our conditioning influences our creation. We are invited to use our capacity of vision, to leave the ground, to observe the whole of the path, the paths, which are offered to us, to visualize what we wish to manifest, what are my highest aspirations?

What is the created gaze? What do I observe around me?

It is now time to take a step higher, to observe our creation as a whole, to observe from above ...

What are the conditioning conditions that parameterize my vision? What are the places where I refuse to see? To believe? What are the places where my point of view is distorted by a too narrow vision?

Do I believe what I see?

Or do I see what I believe?

Do I live what I believe?

Or do I see what I live?

From the material to the subtle ... What do I perceive (perceive and see) ...

We are the Creators of everything we think, see, hear or perceive. In other words, all life as we know it exists through our consciousness.

Do we live in the consciousness of separation, fear, doubts, insecurity? Or do we live in the consciousness of union, of trust, of love?

From what place in us do we create our reality? From what point of view?

the blue eagle, reminds us of the creative power of our vision.

Consciously or unconsciously, we are always creating, observing the observer, observing the thinker ... we discover the way we create our reality ...

The more we understand all the aspects of our interiority, the easier it becomes to manifest the world we dream of from the deepest center of our Heart, because we realize the abundance of all that is ...

Guided by the blue hand, we are accompanied in the healing of our limiting beliefs, our illusions, our conditioning to be able to take flight and manifest our reality.


KIN 16 - 05/11

Yellow Electric Warrior

Tone 3: How do I improve what I do? I identify solutions...

To become aware of my responsibility to create, to observe what is in the present, to dissolve limitations and create my reality.

In tone 3, Electric, the energy is diffused, it is the creative principle, the trinity, the passage from immobility to movement. It accompanies us in the activation of our creativity in order to identify the solutions at our disposal. In the shadows, we may tend to forget ourselves, or not to respect our inner rhythms, to want to put ourselves into action too quickly pushed by an electric dimension of hyperactivity.

I connect to my inner wisdom, I would dare to ask myself the right questions with wisdom, it is often said that the question often contains the answer, am I creating what I want to live? And if not, what is stopping me from doing so? The strength of the warrior lies in courage and the verb, to manifest what I wish, I would ask clear intentions, I would verbalize my dreams, I communicate around me with wisdom my learning.

The energy of the warrior brings questioning, questioning, it is an energy that can sometimes jostle, but it is necessary to accompany us to realign ourselves ...

Lately we are pushed, to get out of illusion, duality ... to go to the waves of life ... in confidence ....

A new consciousness that opens, everything becomes clearer, a wind of change, hope and the call of a higher reality ...

The warrior takes us into his cosmic vortex of questioning, in order to go to the source of the answers.

The Yellow Warrior embodies the capacity for cosmic communication, offering access to the universal web of consciousness. He is the spider on the mystical web of consciousness that weaves the threads, leading to interconnected consciousness. Each thread is a channel of communication.

The warrior, receives his strength and inspiration, through his righteousness, energy descends along his spine, to embody the balance guided by the values of the heart.

Let yourself be guided by the heart, even if sometimes we are afraid to commit ourselves ... emotions can become allies of a deep transformation ... when we drop our resistances and open ourselves to receive ...

Trust is the central key to mystery, trust your inner voice...

It's time to break the old patterns, do things differently, without fear, destroy the tower that kept us in illusion, open our eyes and change our point of view ... to reach a new destiny ...

It means being ready to question ourselves, it is an invitation, to fight for what vibrates in us, our ideas, our ideals. to allow ourselves to be respected.

The yellow warrior questions our values, and our integrity. Dare to question yourself, to question yourself, honestly, for yourself (loves me). Are there still places where you don't dare to be yourself? What are the places of insecurity in you? What are the places where you are not yet aligned with your heart?

Through questioning, I regain the courage to move forward, by regaining my integrity, my righteousness, I dissolve the lies by the sacred verb (it creates), I denounce my limiting characters.

I center myself in self-confidence, I dare to move forward with courage, beyond the mind, the ego ... Beyond my emotions ... connected to my heart.

Guided by the yellow sun, I connect to joy, love and this light within me, it is my direct connection to the source, through which I connect to receive messages, answers to my questions.


KIN 17 - 06/11

Red Earth Self Existing

Tone 4: How do I shape the process? What form will my action take?

To become aware of my responsibility to create, to observe what is in the present, to dissolve limitations and create my reality.

Tone 4, Self-Existent, speaks to us of alignment, of foundations, of a solid base, it is the moment to manifest, to create, to develop our projects. On these solid foundations this tone accompanies us to find autonomy and efficiency by showing practicality and determination. Beware of places where in the shadows I could be self-exempt, where sometimes stuck in my old patterns, my need for control could manifest itself.

I observe the earth that unfolds before us at every moment thousands of messages that guide our steps ... And better still if we learn to pay attention to them, we will be able to observe how we have left messages to ourselves over time ...

Feelings of déjà vu, coincidences ... like landmarks, markers so that we can find the road back to memory ...

Harmony in the energy of time ... and create that lofty reality to which our soul aspires.

Guided by the Traveller of the Red Sky, we are invited to empty our bags of what weighs us down, of what prevents us from manifesting our reality, to empty our minds, to leave room for renewal.

Message from the earth :

I am the earth, I created you and you created me, we share the same cells, the same atoms, the same vibration. I accompany you and you accompany me, in this process of evolution. And through this love that binds us, I sow before you the messages, to help you find your way back, to remind you that we are only one, signs, synchronicities. This game of duality is a powerful experience for our evolution.

I offer you my strength, my earth, to you my guardian, my creator, you will find in me the beauty of who you really are.

On this day for your action I invite you to put back to earth everything that weighs in your bag, in your thoughts, so that you can continue your light journey.

I'm going to ask you to stop procrastinating, or tying yourself down too hard, like my soil, you are malleable, and I need movement to create wonders, I promise you that when I destroy, it is to offer you more than you could have imagined, and sometimes to shake you up a little.

Let me awaken my creativity in you, I germinate the seeds to make everything better, have confidence, be patient and watch your new reality blossom, observe the magic that you accomplish...


KIN 18 - 07/11

Harmonic White Mirror

Tone 5: How to choose the best? What are my resources? My potential?

To become aware of my creative responsibility, to observe what is in the present, to dissolve limitations and create my reality.

Tonality 5 harmonic, the first bar, it speaks to us about stability, what can we rely on to move forward? This tone invites us to grow, to have confidence in ourselves. It can also awaken our doubts or the abandonment of our power of decision that we may tend to entrust to the other.

On the first day of the year 2021, the white mirror will be the energy that will accompany all our Gregorian year, in the observation of our collective egregore ...

I observe in the mirror, from the other, from what surrounds me, events, how I have created my reality so far, are you satisfied with your reality? The mirror invites me to clean the canvas, becoming aware of my responsibility, what I see in the mirror is none other than the reflection of my own thoughts. The mirror is a gift, a powerful tool to observe and improve what surrounds me.

I observe what is reflected in my reality?

By observing everything as part of ourselves, we take back power over our creation, we take responsibility, realizing with compassion that we are the cause of everything we manifest, what surrounds us is only the effect of the energy we diffuse around us. The trap of the mirror, is to project on the other, judging, criticizing, what we observe, holding the other or situations responsible, for the cause, for what lives inside us, forgetting that the other does not exist, that there is nothing outside but the reflection of what lives inside.

Face yourself ... Face your own reflection, in each situation, in the other ... What are you creating? Truth, beauty, love or illusion ... The mirror will show you the places where you need to be discerning, to clean the web of illusion, to leave more room for truth, love, in your reality.

Guided by the Yellow Warrior: We are invited to use our free will with wisdom and courage in the service of the values of the heart.

I observe the mirror, what is reflected back to me by the other and what surrounds me, I observe events, how I create my reality, what is happening around me, am I satisfied with my reality?

The mirror invites me to clean the canvas, becoming aware of my responsibility, what I see in the mirror is none other than the reflection of my own thoughts. The mirror is a gift, a powerful tool to observe and improve what surrounds me.

The mirror allows me to observe and question myself, what are the places where I do not feel aligned with myself, the places or situations that still lack love, or anchoring, so that I can align myself with the path of life, the most peaceful for me.

Guided by the interlacing of the white worlds, I am invited to let go and let the old one die, to free myself from old patterns, in front of the mirror I can use techniques like ho'oponopono, I'm sorry, sorry, thank you, I love you, to release my thoughts with compassion, realizing that nothing could have been different, it's by experimenting that I learn.


KIN 19 - 08/11

Blue Storm Rhythmic

Tone 6: How do I find balance and organize my resources?

To become aware of my creative responsibility, to observe what is in the present, to dissolve limitations and create my reality.

Tone 6, Rhythmic speaks to us about dynamic balance, how to find our center, it is the stability of being in movement. This tone allows us the realization of our wishes, provided we do not fall into the shadow of the restless mind, which can overwhelm us and make us lose our balance.

The storm will come to confront us, asking us once again to let go of what is no longer necessary in order to access this space of transmutation within us.

In the observation of our exterior and when we understand that it is a reflection of our interior, it is sometimes necessary to dare to say stop, stop to the mind, stop to external manifestations, to learn to set our limits.

The storm rises, and creates two spaces within us, a space where water and winds rage, and ravage ... And a space in the center of the storm ... Where in the eye of the storm reigns a space of peace and absolute silence, from which I can observe in confidence, this great cleaning, in gratitude ...

It reminds us to remain centered so as not to be caught in illusion, doubts, fears, attachments, it also accompanies us to observe our limits.

In spite of the apparent chaos... It is a space of rebirth...

And what is chaos? If not a point of view of the ego ... The ego, the mind ... That part of us, who thinks he knows ... Who thinks he knows what is best ... for us ... for the planet?

Guided by itself its power is doubled The storm brings me to the frontiers of the unknown, will I dare to throw my barriers in the fire of transmutation?


KIN 20 - 09/11

Yellow Resonant Sun

Tone 7: How do I resonate and open my perceptions?

To become aware of my creative responsibility, to observe what is in the present, to dissolve limitations and create my reality.

Tonality 7 brings something mystical, which goes far beyond the boundaries of matter, a resonance in the field of informational creation. This tone connects us to our intuition and resonates with the needs of the heart. In its shadow we can be blinded and not see the signs by disconnecting ourselves from our real needs under the influence of our expectations.

I open my perceptions by connecting to my solar life force, I observe the places where I only see the shadow, and remind myself that if a shadow is cast it is because I am looking in the opposite direction. I connect to my true solar nature, to find balance and find my direction. Let the sun radiate your ideas, your creations, to let them blossom in the open.

I observe my mechanisms, the places where I need to feel superior to radiate, or on the contrary to erase myself, in each dynamic balance, if we wear one polarity we wear the other... I don't need to dominate the other or hide my radiation... I allow myself to be to radiate my vision of the world.

What am I radiating? What is the energy that emanates from me? What deprives me of my light? How do I restore the balance within me to move forward each day?

If I observe my energy, I can see how my posture impacts my energy, how a smile can change my vibration.

The highest energy and the highest radiance that I can emanate through the presence "I AM" is the energy of love, through my radiance and the energy of love that I deploy, I activate the transmutation of energy in me and around me.

The sun reminds us that if I see a shadow cast, it is because I am not looking in the right direction. What is it in me that still prevents me from radiating? What are my shadows? What are my fears?

Guided by the yellow human, I wisely use my free will to look in the direction of the sun, I take back my power and responsibility to create my reality.


KIN 21 - 10/11

Red Galactic Dragon

Tone 8: How do I integrate this learning to live my reality?

To become aware of my responsibility to create, to observe what is in the present, to dissolve limitations and create my reality.

Tone 8 invites me to find my flow of energy, like the inhalation and exhalation, how does this flow allow me to live my reality and radiate who I really am? Infinity ... I act with coherence and integrity, when my heart and mind are aligned towards a common goal. In the shadows I could cut off the flow by a feeling of injustice, or suffering that pushes me to stop listening to my heart or to act selfishly. By letting love flow through with confidence I maintain my connection to the source.

I use what I learned during the previous wave, I am invited to observe what enters my body, physically, but also the nourishment of the mind, what I listen to? what I read? how I nourish my physical and psychic bodies? How does this food influence my reality? What do I create from this energy that nourishes me? What are the ways of thinking that I nourish and how do they materialize in my reality?

Observe what feeds you, choose what you choose to see, choose what you choose to believe, choose what you choose to nourish.

The dragon is the representation of the primordial matrix ... How do I feed myself, how do I feed the other, how do I feed my projects? What is the energy I offer myself to advance on my path ?

What do I nourish around me ? à What do I give my energy ?

Do I nourish joy and love within me? or do I nourish fear, anger, sadness?

Do I feed my fears? Or my dreams?

Just like certain foods that make us heavy and prevent us from moving forward physically, I observe the way I nourish my body and my psyche, what really gives me the energy, the desire to move forward?

Do I use my energy to co-create in love and peace? or do I co-create through defiance, revenge, strategy, protection and fear?

Consciously or unconsciously, we nourish the manifestation of every situation, every relationship that presents itself to us, we create our way step by step. We can make the choice at any moment to continue to nourish our old patterns, these characters in our lives. Whether we are for or against, something or someone, we feed the pendulum movement that keeps the system in place. The only way to stop the movement is to consciously choose what we want to nourish, and no longer give our energy to the parts we want to see disappear.

Guided by the red snake, I would pay special attention to the body's messages, how does my body react to the physical food I offer it? And how does it react to mental food? What are the emotions, the sensations that unfold within me?

KIN 22 - 11/11

White Solar Wind

Tone 9: How do I give the impulse to realize my vision? Are my intentions clear?

To become aware of my responsibility to create, to observe what is in the present, to dissolve limitations and create my reality.

the solar tone 9, is the tone of incorporation, it is a moment of fulfillment where we finally bring learning into the light, what is manifested to us on this day? It invites us to align ourselves to our will with motivation to set the movement in motion. In the shadows it can bring out the places of impatience, anxiety and impulsivity, if our intentions are not clear before we put ourselves into action.

The white wind invites us to communicate wisely, to disperse doubts and resentments, what are the dialogues I have outside and inside? Am I aware that the verb is a creator of reality?

Reflecting the previous wave, the wind brings us back to communication, if I calm the mind, I can speak from a peaceful place and communicate my vision.

When the wind blows the surface of the water undulates, distorts, reflecting a distorted reality ... like the sound of the mind's thoughts distorting the vision.

Through the white wind I release my capacity of expression. When I breathe in, the universe expires in me ... When I breathe out, the universe breathes in ...

In the inhalation and exhalation, I activate the transformation by placing a right communication, by taking the time to catalyze my energies, by taking the time to observe from which place in me I express myself ...

I observe and question the way I communicate, what I send and what I receive.

Thought and words are creative (creator-actor) ... Whether it's my inner monologue, or what I express outside, whether it's the way I talk to myself, or the way I interact with others ... I take the time to breathe in and out ... to let the flows flow through me, so that my life is more like the wind than the storm ...

The wind carries within it the laughter of the spirit that lightens all that is, it carries within it a playful dimension, let yourself be carried ...

Guided by the White Mirror, I observe what messages I receive in the mirror? what is the other, who is another part of me, trying to communicate to me?

KIN 23 - 12/11

Planetary Blue Night

Tone 10: How do I do my best?

To become aware of my responsibility to create, to observe what is in the present, to dissolve limitations and create my reality.

Tonality 10, planetary (Planet Earth), is the reliance between two worlds that align, between intention and manifestation, what the essence the 1 wishes to manifest in the field of the possible the 0. This tonality allows me to anchor myself solidly and to go beyond the duality of judgments, of good and evil, it invites us to enter a space of acceptance. In the shadows I observe that the places of requirement and search for perfection, could take me away from the inner harmony.

How do I create my reality through my interiority? Am I aware of the power of my dreams? I rely on the power of my inner world, of my dreams, in which I can create my vision, and dream of abundance, on an individual and planetary scale. Connect your dreams to your deepest aspirations to unfold your magic. Remember that there is no difference between real and imaginary.

Where do I create my fears? My nightmares? My reality is the reflection of my thoughts and emotions, which informs the quantum field by vibration, this vibration creates my reality ...

What do I see? What do I believe? What am I creating?

The laws of manifestation are part of learning, in a constructed world of infinite abundance, our dreams are in the quantum field of possibilities, during this wave I would be challenged to observe the way I create my dream, to observe my language, to highlight areas of shadow.

The dream also invites us to observe the shadow as an opportunity to bring light into focus, the shadow working in the service of the light, in order to come and highlight the places where we still lack alignment to our dream.

Whether through events or communication received from the outside, we can observe how we create our reality... Waking up in the dream, becoming the creator (creator-actor) again, no longer being a victim of events.

Guided by the Blue Monkey, I stop taking matter too seriously, I connect to the innocence of my inner child, the one who believed as hard as iron that he would be an astronaut, a singer, a surgeon! Before adults teach him words like "it's impossible", for the child everything is possible! From this space of the heart, let's make our dreams our reality!


KIN 24 - 13/11

Spectral Yellow Seed

Tone 11: How do I turn difficulties into simplicity?

To become aware of my responsibility to create, to observe what is in the present, to dissolve limitations and create my reality.

The spectral tone catalyzes energy in letting go, it is the moment when we send energy to the universe, transforming the last resistances, with lightness and simplicity. This tonality accompanies us to open-mindedness and allows us to live the changes with greater ease, accompanying us to release blockages. In the shadows we may feel lost in the face of change or loss of control.

The seed is the message of pure potential, enclosed in a shell, it perfectly symbolizes the parallel between potential and limitation.

It also brings the message of patience, nothing can grow through force and resistance, it is the acceptance that everything unfolds in its own time, and the realization that even if we sometimes feel small, it is up to us to believe in the beauty of what we can let emanate from ourselves.

Let's make things easier by not dwelling on the result, the magic unfolds at its own pace and in the best possible direction.

The universe is the garden of consciousness and our intentions are the seeds ready to germinate ...

I observe how, as if by magic, I sow the seeds of my reality... I take root in fertile soil, in confidence and awareness, and deploy energy through my power of vision.

With Patience and Confidence the energy grows and the wonderful unfolds ...

I observe the places where I still create situations, which are not aligned with my highest aspirations, the places of my fears that push me to remain frozen, to navigate in the field of my comfort zone...

On our journey to the heart of ourselves ... There comes a moment when the shell around us becomes too narrow ... And life pushes us and expels us out of the egg ... This moment when our life seems to explode into a thousand pieces ... Or we break the glass ceiling ... to access a new reality ...

A new field of possibilities ...

Guided by itself its power is doubled, the seed of a flower has no preconceived idea of perfection it does not aim to have 14 petals and not 12 ... it believes it is and deploys what is most perfect.


KIN 25 - 14/11

Snake Red Crystal

Tone 12: How do I cooperate and interact with the other?

To learn to observe what feeds my being

Tone 12, crystal, energy of union, of the community of connectivity ... By recognizing the other as a part of me, I learn to integrate myself into the collective, to put myself at my service through service to the other. In the shadows I could isolate myself, withdraw into myself, losing confidence in the other and in myself.

The snake invites us to observe, the body, our sexuality, our sacred fire, what animates us. How does our body react to the other? What are the limitations I feel towards the other? What are the places where I still feel separated and do not dare to follow my desires? What strength do I get from a hug? What do I share and co-create with the other?

The feeling, which allows you to observe what is going on inside you, the places of resistance, the places of joy ... What do you create? Why? What are the places that unfold love in you? And the fears?

Connecting to the body ... to the heart ... to disconnect from the mind ... to come back to the presence ...

I realize myself through the body, through movement, in order to advance on my path, I listen to the messages of my body.

What are the places where it is more convenient to let ourselves be carried than to take the responsibility to advance by ourselves?

What are the places where I repress my desires?

Guided by the red earth: I observe the synchronicities that invite me to make contact, to cooperate to create my reality.


KIN 26 - 15/11

White Cosmic Worlds Interlacer

Tone 13: How do I transcend the experience? To increase my joy and love?

The cosmic tone reconnects us to the present ...

After these 13 Days of learning my inner magic, I let go, and dissolve the old patterns, I surrender in confidence ...

Letting go is often a term that we have difficulty conceptualizing, so to illustrate this energy, I leave you these two texts that will speak for themselves.

"As the children bring in their broken toys

With tears to repair them,

I brought my broken dreams to God

Because he was my friend.

But instead of leaving him

And leave him in peace to work alone,

I stuck around and tried to help

With my own means.

Finally, I took them back and cried,

"How could you be so slow"

"My child," he says, "What can I do?

You never let go."

lauretta P. Burns


"Holding on to something is like holding your breath. You're going to suffocate. The only way to get something in the physical universe is to let go of it. Let go & it will be yours forever."

Deepak Chopra


Guided by the white dog,

I let go of the manifestation of my desires by connecting to the space of the heart.

In consciousness of who I really am

In lak’esh

(Mayan greeting: I am another you)

Alison - Magnetic Yellow Warrior

Galactic Activation Portal, days represented in green in the tzolkin, these days draw the pattern of the DNA helix present in the center of the tzolkin, they are considered as days where energies flow from different dimensions.

