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Kambo Paris

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Kambo French-speaking Switzerland

Kambo - Le vaccin de la jungle "Vacuna de la selva"

Détoxifier les corps : physique, émotionnel, mental et énergétique

La Phyllomedusa bicolor, également appelée grenouille géante ou grenouille singe, vit dans les zones humides de l'Amazonie, notamment au Brésil, au Pérou, au Venezuela et en Colombie. Le Kambo, est une sécrétion cutanée de cette grenouille, utilisée traditionnellement par les tribus indigènes telles que les Katukina, Matsés et Yawanawá. Ce rituel consistait à appliquer la sécrétion sur des brûlures pour renforcer le corps, nettoyer les toxines, et améliorer la vigilance avant la chasse​.



Le Kambo est connu pour provoquer une purge intense et temporaire (vomissements, transpiration), mais ses effets à long terme incluent un sentiment de force accrue, une clarté mentale et une résistance améliorée. Traditionnellement, il est utilisé pour traiter des maux comme les piqûres de serpent et certaines maladies​.


Aujourd'hui, il est également utilisé en Occident pour traiter des problèmes comme la dépression, l'anxiété et les douleurs chroniques. Cependant, il peut présenter des risques pour les personnes ayant des problèmes cardiaques ou de tension artérielle​.

Kambo Benefits
Kambo Contraindications
Forêt épaisse


What is Kambo?

Kambo is a skin secretion produced by the giant Amazonian frog, Phyllomedusa bicolor. It is traditionally used by several indigenous tribes to strengthen the body and mind, especially in hunting or spiritual purification contexts.

How is it applied?

Kambo is applied by making light burns on the skin. Secretions are introduced directly into the body (lymphatic system) through these small wounds. This method causes an intense physiological response, usually purging (vomiting, sweating) followed by feelings of mental clarity and strength.

Is Kambo a poison or venom?

Although some use the term "poison" to refer to Kambo, it is neither a poison nor a venom in the strict sense. A poison is a substance that causes harm in inappropriate amounts, and a venom is injected by fangs or a stinger. Kambo, on the other hand, is composed of bioactive peptides that interact positively with receptors in the body(

What are the benefits of Kambo?

Traditionally, Kambo is used to build endurance, purify the body, and improve mental clarity. In the West, it is also used in alternative therapy to treat depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and some addictions. It is also said to strengthen the immune system.

What are the risks associated with Kambo?

Kambo can cause serious side effects in some people, especially those with heart problems, high blood pressure, or kidney and liver problems. The reaction to the substance is usually intense and can include nausea, vomiting, and a drop in blood pressure.

Does Kambo cause psychedelic experiences?

Unlike some other natural medicines from the Amazon, such as ayahuasca, Kambo is not an entheogen. Although it can induce temporary alterations in consciousness and increased sensory acuity, it does not cause visions typical of psychedelic substances.

Le Kambo peut-il être combiné avec d'autres médecines traditionnelles ?

Yes, some indigenous tribes combine Kambo with traditional medicines such as Sananga, used to cleanse the eyes and improve vision before hunting. It is also sometimes combined with Ayahuasca, in spiritual healing contexts, to intensify the purgative and introspective effects. Another common mixture is with Rapé (or Rapeh), a medicinal tobacco blown into the nostrils to ground and center the mind. Because these substances cause strong physical and psychic effects, it is essential that they be administered under the supervision of an experienced practitioner.

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Benefits and actions of Kambo

The information presented on the potential benefits of Kambo is for informational purposes only and has not been validated by health authorities. Kambo is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always consult a healthcare professional before any new therapy, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions. We disclaim any liability for the use of the information on this site.

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Lyme disease

  • Candida

  • Malaria

  • Chronic pain

  • Inflammations in general

  • Blood pressure

  • Hormonal regulation

  • Menstrual cycle regulation and painful periods

  • Eczema

  • Allergies

  • Fungi, bacteria, viruses, infections, fatigue

  • Addictions

  • Stress, anxiety, depression

  • Anorexia

  • Cancer support (particularly cervical and prostate)

  • Serious heart problems

  • Serious mental health problems (excluding depression, PTSD and anxiety)

  • Addison's disease

  • Cardiovascular disease

  • Current and severe epilepsy

  • History of attack

  • History of cerebral hemorrhage

  • History of asymptomatic myocardial infarction (less than 6 months after occurrence)

  • History of aneurysm or blood clots

  • History of unstable ischemic heart disease

  • Renal failure

  • Liver failure

  • Low levels of cortisol in the blood

  • Immunosuppressive drugs for organ transplant

  • Medications for low blood pressure

  • Severe hypotension (such as Shy-Drager syndrome)

  • Recovering from major surgery

  • Pregnant, potentially pregnant or breastfeeding a child under 6 months

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The people mentioned

are not eligible to receive Kambo

Kambo sessions
Kambo Paris

Le Kambo et la Libération de l'Espace Intérieur

Kambo works by freeing blocked spaces in the body and mind , often too cluttered by physical tensions or discomforts to allow for disidentification work. When we are preoccupied with bodily pain or mental discomfort, it becomes difficult to focus our attention on what lies beyond these sensations. By soothing these discomforts, Kambo helps free up the space needed to facilitate a deeper reconnection with who we truly are.

The nondual approach teaches that we do not fundamentally need any external tools to free ourselves from the illusions of the ego . However, practices such as Kambo can be transitional steps , helping to soothe the body and mind, thus creating the conditions necessary for a spiritual opening. These tools are not ends in themselves, but means to alleviate the obstacles to this inner recognition . By calming physical tensions, Kambo helps us to release the attention fixed on the body, and opens the way to a deeper liberation, where the individual can gradually detach himself from identification with the structures of the mind and body.


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