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  • Photo du rédacteurAlison B.

Enchanted Wave of the White Mirror July 25 to August 6, 2020

(Retrospective of the previous wave: Red Snake)

What's happened to you in the last 13 days?

What have you been able to observe in your body? What are the messages of your body? Your instincts? What passions have been awakened in you? What is the direction you wish to take?

How the energy of transmutation through the sacred fire of kundalini accompanied you? What are the blockages,

to change those codes. And to return to our essence, to let the energies unfold within us, to stop blocking our dreams out of fear.

When I put down my arms and stop fighting with the outside, I stop fighting with myself.

The instinctive life force that unfolds in our body is an energy flow that unfolds around us, to what do we give our energy? Consciously and unconsciously?

On the 13th day of the wave the cosmic flight will have allowed us to transcend the experience by positioning ourselves listening to signs, signs of the body, hearth and head, in full recognition of the unity, there is nothing outside, except the reflection of our inner universe.

By reconnecting ourselves to our inner microcosm, we regain power over our macrocosm, over our reality.

Enchanted Wave of the White Mirror - The outside reflects my inner world

This year, on the first day of the wave, we pass through the portal to make the quantum leap into a new cosmic year.



For these 13 days, and for the year to come, we will be accompanied by the experimentation of the enchanted wave of the White Mirror, it invites us to observe in the mirror of our reality, the way we create our reality.

The vibration that we emanate, through our emotions through our thoughts, sends signals into the quantum field of creation and informs the structure.

The mirror of our reality is a powerful tool to observe the codes, the conscious, unconscious, subconscious programs that unfold in the matrix of our reality.

By observing the whole as part of us, we take back power over our creation, we take responsibility, realizing with compassion that we are the cause of all that we manifest, what surrounds us is only the effect of the energy that we diffuse around us. The trap of the mirror, is to project on the other, judging, criticizing, what we observe, holding the other or situations responsible, for the cause, for what lives inside us, forgetting that the other does not exist, that there is nothing outside but the reflection of what lives inside.

Face yourself ... Face your own reflection, in each situation, in the other ... What are you creating? Truth, beauty, love or illusion ... The mirror will show you the places where you have to be discerning, to clean the web of illusion, to leave more room for truth, love, in your reality.

During this wave we will also enter the central column of the tzolkin, after the opening of our chakras during the wave of the red serpent, we are ready to receive the cosmic energy, to align ourselves in the straightness between heaven and earth. Aligned in the emptiness to let the field of possibilities pass through.

Illustration : Su Malaika M.


KIN 119 - 25/07

White Magnetic Mirror

Tone 1: Initiation: What is my goal?

I draw experiences to myself, which mirror to me what lives in my inner world.

Tone 1, Magnetic, is the tone of the vibration of the creative heart, it is the energy that informs the quantum field, it is the starting point, the return to unity, it is the perfect moment to place your intentions. The magnetic tonality brings us curiosity, the ability to gather and condense energy through magnetization, to make a new start, to make choices and take new initiatives. It can also spread dispersion and impatience in its shadow, raise fear of moving forward, reflect places where we lack will and determination.

Our reality is a gallery of mirrors, we move forward in the matrix, facing our own reflection. What do you see in the mirror? It is time to become aware of the places of dissonance within us, the places of misalignment. In order to become aware of the living programs within us that prevent us from clearly expressing our divinity.

By accepting our reflection with honesty, by crossing the gallery to the mirror that reflects our shadows and lights, we gradually free ourselves from illusion.

All our reactions, to events and to those around us, are caused by the activation of the belief systems within us, both functional and dysfunctional. I observe anger, jealousy, fear, joy, beauty, love, which is returned to me by the presence of the other, as an opportunity to connect to my being, transmuting energies, through acceptance, compassion and love. there is never anything positive or negative, good or bad in the mirror only the reflection, of my own reality exists.

Guided by itself: Its power is doubled, the sharp mirror pushes and guides us to face the truth, to expose ourselves, in order to reach a deep liberation, referring us to the observation of ourselves.

DAY 1 COSMIC YEAR 2020/2021

KIN 120 - 26/07

Blue Lunar Storm

Tone 2: What will be the challenge?

To live the experiences, which mirror to me what lives in my inner world.

In tone 2, Lunar, we experience duality, the challenge of matter, the polarization that reveals our inner conflicts, the places that need to be balanced. We will be led to face extremes, and to consider the challenge as a new adventure. Be careful not to fight or refuse the obstacles of duality, it will be necessary to observe our shadows and to learn how to position ourselves in the balance...

The storm brings with it the wind of transformation and purification, it carries within it the energy of initiation by fire.

In the Mayan tradition, the storm represents the storm, the rain that cleans and purifies, the lightning that breaks the structures of illusion. Its energy has similarities to that of the Embracer of the Worlds: "Letting go and let the old one die". If the Embracer of the Worlds in his name has this sweetness that accompanies us and takes us to purification, the storm leaves us little choice.

For those of you who are accustomed to ancestral medicine, the Embracer of the Worlds could be compared to Ayahuasca, which with its maternal energy, "the grandmother", accompanies us to gently undo the structure. And the blue storm at the bufo Alvarius, the "paternal energy," "the grandfather," the one who to teach you to swim throws you into the pool without buoys.

When the fire of transmutation presents itself in our lives we always have two ways of reacting to it, we can stay, trying to hang on, for fear of destruction, like trying to catch up with the objects in our house flying away in the cyclone (be careful you might leave an arm in it)... or we can centre ourselves, in the heart of the hurricane, accept, surrender, and let the universe, the magic operate, in this space of calm, centered in us, the energy lifts us up, and we access the space of rebirth, like the phoenix rising from its ashes.

Guided by the blue monkey: I am accompanied in order to live this experience with fluidity, reminding myself that there is no point in taking things too seriously. By reconnecting with my inner child, I learn to welcome each situation with lightness and humour.

KIN 120 - 27/07

Yellow Electric Sun

Tone 3: How do I improve what I do? I identify solutions...

To live the experiences, which mirror to me what lives in my inner world.

In tone 3, Electric, the energy is diffused, it is the creative principle, the trinity, the passage from immobility to movement. It accompanies us in the activation of our creativity in order to identify the solutions at our disposal. In the shadows, we may tend to forget ourselves, or not to respect our inner rhythms, to want to put ourselves into action too quickly pushed by an electric dimension of hyperactivity.

What do I radiate on my way? What is the energy that emanates from me? What deprives me of my light? How do I restore the balance within me to move forward each day?

If I observe my energy, I can see how my posture impacts my energy, how a smile can change my vibration.

The highest energy and the highest radiation that I can emanate through the presence "I AM" is the energy of love, through my radiation and the energy of love that I deploy, I activate the transmutation of energy in me and around me.

The sun reminds us that if I see a shadow cast, it is because I am not looking in the right direction. What is it in me that still prevents me from radiating? What are my shadows? What are my fears?

It is interesting to observe the places where I don't want to shine or give love to someone, what are the places where I still have to forgive the other person? The other being only the mirror of me loves me, it is a part of me that asks to be brought to light.

Guided by the yellow seed, I am pushed towards the growth of my divine potential, with patience and confidence.

KIN 121 - 28/07

Red Dragon Self Existing

Tone 4: How do I shape the process? What form will my action take?

To live the experiences, which in mirror reflect to me what lives in my inner world.

Tone 4, Self-existent, speaks to us of alignment, of foundations, of a solid base, it is the moment to manifest, to create, to develop our projects. On these solid foundations this tone accompanies us to find autonomy and efficiency by showing practicality and determination. Beware of places where in the shadows I could show self-examination, where sometimes stuck in my old patterns, my need for control could manifest itself.

How do I feed myself and in the mirror, how do I feed the other?

What do I feed around me? à What do I give my energy to?

Do I nourish joy and love within me? or do I nourish fear, anger, sadness?

Do I use my energy to co-create in love and peace? or do I co-create through defiance, revenge, strategy, protection and fear?

Consciously or unconsciously, we nurture the manifestation of all situations, relationships that present themselves to us. We can make the choice at any moment to continue to nourish its patterns, its characters in our lives. Whether we are for or against, something or someone, we feed the pendulum swing that keeps the system in place. The only way to stop the movement is to consciously choose what we want to feed, and no longer confess our energy to the parts we want to see disappear.

The dragon symbolizes the matrix, the embodiment of the principle of unity, everything is interconnected at every moment, like a canvas whose points are connected through space and time. We nourish these interconnections through our thoughts and actions.

Guided by Red Earth: I observe the synchronicities, the messages of love, which guide me and allow me to observe what I am nourishing in the mirror of my reality.

We are creators of synchronicities, it is interesting to observe the synchronicities that attract our attention, as a reflection of the direction in which we direct our gaze.

KIN 122 - 29/07

Wind White Harmonic

Tone 5: How to choose the best? What are my resources? My potential?

To live the experiences, which mirror to me what lives in my inner world.

Tonality 5 harmonic, the first bar, it speaks to us about stability, what can we rely on to move forward? This tone invites us to grow, to have confidence in ourselves. It can also awaken our doubts or the abandonment of our power of decision that we may tend to entrust to the other.

Through the white wind I release my capacity of expression. When I breathe in, the universe breathes out in me ... When I breathe out, the universe breathes in ...

In inhalation and exhalation, I activate the transformation by placing a right communication, by taking the time to catalyze my energies, by taking the time to observe from which place in me I express myself...

Thought and words are creative (creator-actor) ... Whether it's my inner monologue, or what I express outside, whether it's the way I talk to myself, or the way I interact with others ... I take the time to breathe in and out ... to let the flows flow through me, so that my life is more like the wind than the storm ...

The wind carries within it the laughter of the spirit that lightens all that is, it carries within it a playful dimension, let yourself be carried ...

Guided by the white dog: I communicate from the heart, the other is me, I observe the way I express myself, reflecting my inner monologue and the way I communicate with myself (loves me)

KIN 123 - 30/07

Rhythmic Blue Night

Tone 6: How do I find balance and organize my resources?

To live the experiences, which mirror for me what lives in my inner world.

Tonality 6, Rhythmic speaks to us about dynamic balance, how to find our center, it is the stability of the being in movement. This tone allows us to realize our wishes, as long as we do not fall into the shadow of the restless mind, which can overwhelm us and make us lose our balance.

I connect to my inner world, to the dream space within me, I can visualize how I wish to live, what I wish to materialize, the dream space is an unlimited space, where we can draw, test, visualize sketches of what we wish to see materialize in the 3D plane.

The blue night contains the mysteries of the inner journey, it contains all the potentials. The Mayans and Toltecs used to call what we consider to be our reality "the dream"... If it is possible to wake up in the dream, then we can take control of it.

Guided by itself its power is doubled, I visualize how I wish to live my life, my dream, my experiences ... And the reflection of my creation in the mirror ...

KIN 124 - 31/07

Yellow Resonant Seed

Tone 7: How do I resonate and open my perceptions?

To live the experiences, which in mirror reflect to me what lives in my inner world.

Tonality 7 brings something mystical, which goes far beyond the boundaries of matter, a resonance in the field of informational creation. This tone connects us to our intuition and resonates with the needs of the heart. In its shadow we can be blinded and not see the signs by disconnecting ourselves from our real needs under the influence of our expectations.

To open our perceptions, I observe the space of pure potential contained beneath the barriers and limitations. Seeds are everywhere during the winter, underground, dormant ... They remind us of patience. When the sun comes closer in the spring, the shell that protects this hidden potential softens.

I am invited to connect to my roots, to anchor myself, in me lies the full untapped potential, at any moment I can regain this confidence and security, even when the wind of the storm takes me away, I just have to look within myself, my resources, my balance...

Guided by the Yellow Warrior: I dare to ask myself the right questions, with courage, in order to move forward and receive answers aligned with my higher being, and activate the growth of my being.

KIN 125 - 01/08

Red Galactic Snake

Tone 8: How do I integrate this learning to live my reality?

To live the experiences that mirror what I experience in my inner world.

Tonality 8 invites me to find my energy flow, like the inhalation and exhalation, how does this flow allow me to live my reality and radiate who I really am? Infinity ... I act with coherence and integrity when my heart and mind are aligned towards a common goal. In the shadows I could cut off the flow by a feeling of injustice, or of suffering pushing me to stop listening to my heart or to act in a selfish way. By letting love flow through with confidence I maintain my connection to the source.

Reflecting the previous wave, I use the energy of transmutation by the sacred fire I connect to the energy of the kundalini, of the sacred fire, letting myself be guided by my body, in order to release blockages and transmute my limiting codes. I return to my essence, and let the energy unfold, I stop blocking my dreams out of fear.

When I put down my weapons and stop fighting against the outside, I stop fighting against myself.

The magic works (the Soul Acts)

And my body becomes the precious ally, the tool that channels energy and deploys it to create a new reality.

Beyond the veil of illusion, our body, our desires (in life) lead us to deploy the energy of sexuality (it creates), by the union of the feminine and the masculine, in the matter unfolds the true possibility to create a world in perfect balance.

Guided by the red moon: which lifts the tides, but also the waters of the body, our emotions. She accompanies us to free the mind, to cleanse our wounds, to let them flow, in order to connect us to our intuition, to our feelings, deeply.

KIN 126 - 02/08

White World Bridger Solar

Tone 9: How do I give the impulse to realize my vision? Are my intentions clear?

To live the experiences, which mirror to me what lives in my inner world.

Tonality 9 solar, is the tonality of incorporation, it is a moment of fulfillment where we finally bring learning to light, what is manifested to us on this day? It invites us to align ourselves to our will with motivation to set the movement in motion. In the shadows it can bring out the places of impatience, anxiety and impulsiveness, if our intentions are not clear before we put ourselves into action.

Renewal needs space, emptiness to create and flourish ... what in the mirror sends me back to the places of my resistance?

I let go and let the old one die, like the snake leaving behind its moult, some things will ask to be let go, to be set free.

Sometimes we wish to see changes in our lives, but we are not ready to let go of certain things, letting go means having full confidence in life, having confidence that the universe takes care of everything.

We are often afraid of the unknown, afraid of renewal, afraid of change, and even if our hearts yearn for these changes, for a better life, we sometimes settle for mediocre situations, for fear of letting go...

We wrote our wishes on balloons that we still hold firmly in our hands to keep our lives under control, it's time to loosen our fingers and let the wind take our wishes with it.

Emptying our bag is thanking our old patterns, observing which attitudes and beliefs are keeping us going and which ones are keeping us in characters we no longer want to play.

Guided by the white wind: In the inhalation and exhalation, when the mind is calmed and the wind no longer blows on the surface of the water, I can finally observe my reflection on the icy lake, I can now express my truth, taking the time to catalyze my energies, taking the time to observe from which place in me I express myself ...

KIN 127 - 03/08

Blue Hand Planetary

tone 10: How do I do my best?

To live the experiences, which mirror for me what lives in my inner world.

Tonality 10, planetary (Planet Earth), is the reliance between two worlds that align, between intention and manifestation, what the essence the 1 wishes to manifest in the field of possibilities the 0. This tonality allows me to anchor myself firmly and to go beyond the duality of judgments, of good and evil, it invites us to enter a space of acceptance. In the shadows I observe that places of demand and search for perfection, could take me away from inner harmony.

Our hands allow us to take action, to light the fire within us, they also serve to capture, receive and give energy.

By reconnecting ourselves to the body, to touch, we can also perceive the subtle dimension of this sense.

We have two secondary chakras on the palms of our hands, these chakras are connected directly to the heart and throat chakra, our hands allow us to give and receive love, and we also use them to express ourselves.

People who are used to working with energetics know that they can become a channel for cosmic energy, which passes through their hands and allows them to come and heal the subtle bodies and by resonance the physical body.

The blue hand invites us to heal illusory limitations, to let our fears of being sidelined to deploy the energy.

Guided by the blue eagle: I let go and gain height, I observe situations, paths, the map of my life, from a higher point, everything becomes simpler when I observe myself from the outside, when I stop identifying with my body...

KIN 128 - 04/08

Spectral Yellow Star

Tone 11: How do I transform difficulties into simplicity?

To live the experiences, which mirror for me what lives in my inner world.

The spectral tonality catalyzes energy in letting go, it is the moment when we send energy to the universe, transforming the last resistances, with lightness and simplicity. This tonality accompanies us to open-mindedness and allows us to live the changes with greater ease, accompanying us to release blockages. In the shadows we may feel lost in the face of change or loss of control.

(E)^t = Art - Energy Factor Time = Art

In our world of matter, 3D, the energy that passes through everything needs time to unfold and create art and beauty, like a flower blooming in spring, like mountains, canyons, ... Storms polish the surface of the ego, like the work of art already present in the heart of the marble, the artist breaks afterwards, the raw envelope, to let appear the masterpiece, the divine being already present in the heart.

Guided by itself its power is doubled: I let my gaze be carried, guided by the beauty in the mirror.

KIN 129 - 05/08

Crystal Red Moon

Tone 12: How do I cooperate and interact with the other?

To live the experiences, which mirror for me what lives in my inner world.

Tonality 12, crystal, energy of union, of the collectivity of connectivity ... By recognizing the other as part of me, I learn to integrate myself into the collective, to put myself at my service through service to the other. In the shadows I could isolate myself, withdraw into myself, losing confidence in the other and in myself.

Observe the flow of energy that crosses your body, let your emotions pass through you, without resistance, you will observe that they are waves, that come and go gently, if I do not erect a barrier they will not break violently in me, they will not hit me, they will continue on their way, gently.

The moon makes the tides rise and fall in us, to accompany us in the purification of our being, making the overflows overflow, raising our shadows, sending back to the beach the wounds that need to be healed.

Observe the places where the presence of the other raises his emotions, when the words of the other reach us it is that they make vibrate in us what asks to be heard.

In the inhalation and exhalation of the tides, I accept my vulnerability and sensitivity, in order to regain the flexibility and fluidity to move forward.

Guided by the red dragon: I observe what nourishes my energy and emotions. What feeds my joy and love within me or what feeds my sorrows, anger and fears.

KIN 130 - 06/08

Cosmic White Dog

Tone 13: How do I transcend the experience? To increase my joy and love?

To live the experiences, which mirror to me what lives in my inner world.

Connected to Sirius, the white dog reminds us of the purpose of earthly play in matter, he is the archetype related to unconditional love.

The cosmic flight of the enchanted wave of the white mirror, by the white dog, reminds us that the goal of this game, is to learn to love and to reintegrate the parts of us that we project in the other. Through the recognition of each one, in authenticity, around a shared secret. We remember that each being who crosses our path is another us, (in lak'esh).

The white dog is the archetype of the spiritual master, inspiring through love, he reminds us that this guide is present in us at every moment.

Every relationship takes us towards healing fear patterns in order to increase our ability to love.

The white dog speaks to us about the energy of the heart, he speaks to us about faithfulness to our heart, to the energy of love that flows from it. I often use the image of the white wolf to talk about this glyph (sirius), which brings us back to the image of the clan to our destiny partners.

One interesting thing between the wolf and the dog is that the dog may well be the evolution of the wolf. At what point do we decide to put away the fangs? Do you think the dog is submissive? or is it loyal? maybe it's crazy? Crazy to love? Mad to forgive? What are the places where we feel submissive? Locked up in an imaginary cage?

When I let love pass through me, I realize that freedom is not something I have to fight for, or protect myself ... It is a state of peace and inner love ... Acceptance and integration of the other, of myself (loves me).

I wish you a beautiful cosmic flight to unconditional love...

In awareness of who I really am

In lak'esh

(Mayan greeting: I'm another you)

Alison - Yellow Magnetic Warrior

: Portail D’activation Galactique, jour représentés en vert dans le tzolkin, ces jours dessinent le motif de l’hélice ADN présent au centre du tzolkin, ils sont considérés comme des jours ou les énergies affluent depuis différentes dimensions.

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